Far reaching donations

06 Sep 2021

Donations reach far and wide

Thank you to our donors, accessible gardening has improved for both our inpatients and outpatients.

Our Clinical Horticultural Therapist was successful in her grant application for the Foundation funding a variety of adaptive gardening tools. These tools are used in our Productive Garden and clients' home gardens.

One of these helpful tools, the stem grip pruners, enables clients to prune one-handed, in the same way as they would with a pair of secateurs, plus with a 60cm reach. This tool have been ideal for our gardeners needing to sit whilst gardening, say in a wheelchair or on a seat, or who stand but cannot easily bend. Not only do these nifty pruners cut, they also hold what they have cut off, so now there's one less excuse not to harvest fruit, vegies, or to cut their favourite flowers.