Wheelchair wheels

30 Jul 2024

Ameera christening her new set of wheels! 

Royal Rehab LifeWorks Penrith client and para-archer, Ameera Lee, is now all set for the 2024 Paralympics, thanks to her new set of wheelchair wheels.

Royal Rehab LifeWorks Penrith occupational therapist was successful in her application to the Royal Rehab Foundation for funding a new set of well overdue set of wheels for Ameera's wheelchair. The last time Ameera had new wheels was six years ago, in 2018!

Ameera's dream will come try when she represents Australia in para-archery in her maiden Paralympics in Paris in 2024.

Interestingly Ameera discovered her love and ability of archery after her son encouraged her to try it back in 2016. Ameera's aim is to prove not only to her teenage son but everyone, that others like her with multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence. Para-archery is just one of many ways people with MS can take back control of their lives.

Ameera is well and truly living her mantra of "Be creative, get inspired, and never give up!"

Photo of Royal Rehab LifeWorks Penrith occupational therapist sitting beside Ameera Lee in back of car
Photo of close-up of one of Ameera Lee's new wheelchair wheels
Close-up photo of Ameera Lee's old and new wheelchair wheels