Disability Services

Having a secure and comfortable place to call home with the right supports is something everyone deserves.

Royal Rehab has been providing specialist accommodation and support services for people with disabilities across Sydney since our beginning in 1899. Our team is dedicated to working with clients and their families, enabling choice and control, and supporting as much independence and quality of life as possible.

These services are for adults with disabilities including those with spinal injury, mental health issues, brain injury, developmental disabilities and degenerative neurological conditions. Royal Rehab welcomes people with complex and changing healthcare needs, co-existing psychiatric disabilities or significant behaviours of concern.

The 24/7 service includes:

  • Initial goal and service planning session, with review meetings approximately every three months.
  • Personal care
  • Mealtime assistance
  • Support to travel on public transport
  • Support to take part in an activity in the community or at home.

A donation here suppports residents to try new things, learn new skills or be more involved in their community.

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