Sexuality Clinic

It is common for a person’s sex life and relationship to change dramatically after an injury, illness or disability. Psychosexual counselling offers personalised support, including one-on-one and couples counselling, and educational courses to empower people to create a meaningful, pleasurable, and rewarding sex life.

Royal Rehab’s team of psychosexual therapists are qualified health professionals who have completed postgraduate, specialist qualifications in psychosexual therapy and are members of the Society of Australian Sexologists (SAS).

Our psychosexual therapists have unique access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals including speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, and social workers. This means a holistic approach to sexual health and wellbeing. Some aspects related to sexual health and function require the expertise of doctors, and referrals can be made through us.

Donations to this service go towards:

  • An initial assessment to review a client of 4 hours at a cost of $250 per hour—$1,000.
  • Subsequent treatment of a recommended six hours per client—$250 per hour.
  • $

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