Royal Rehab client with brain injury using eye gaze technology to say "yes" and "no" to speech pathologist.
Our clients with complex speech and physical needs can now express themselves and communicate independently thanks to the generosity of our donors. Our Speech Pathology Professional Leader successfully applied to our foundation for a life changing piece of technology, NeuroNode Trilogy. Users have a choice of options to communicate via touch, eye gaze camera, or NeuroNode sensor. These options allow them to access a mouse which controls a speech generating device to create sections of vocabulary or symbols. For instance, one of clients who has had a severe stroke, has quadriplegia, and is non verbal, uses the eye gaze device to communicate with his wife and carers. He uses the eye gaze mainly for choice making, accessing YouTube and sending messages via WhatsApp to his wife and family.
Royal Rehab speech pathologist explaining to patient in our Spinal Injury Unit to keep his eyes focussed on the moving pink balloon so that it pops.